(Englih below)
Po nedavnem požaru v postojnskem taborišču za tujce, se je policijsko ustrahovanje začelo stopnjevati. Izbrali so dva osumljenca in ju obtožili požiga. Oba zanikata, da bi imela kaj s požarom, tudi ostali taboriščniki trdijo, da obtoženca nista mogla biti kriva. Do zdaj policija ni priskrbela dokazov, sklicuje se le na videoposnetke obtožencev, ki ob različnih urah vstopata in izstopata iz sob. Še več, v poročilu novinarjem je policija navedla druga dva obtoženca – očitno ni v zvezi s tem nič razjasnjeno, niti ni bila končana uradna preizkava ali podana kazenska ovadba. To pa ni preprečilo policiji, da bi izbrala dve osebi in ju strpala v samice (eden naj bi tam preživel tri, drugi pet mesecev)! Oba obtožena trpita za hudimi psihičnimi in fizičnimi boleznimi in sta med bivanjem v Postojni že poskušala tako samomor kot samopoškodovanje, jemljeta močna zdravila in nista v nikakršnem stanju za življenje v samici. Mnogi verjamejo, da ju je policija izdvojila kot primer za ostale, saj naj bi veljala za “glasna”. V normalnih okoliščinah bi bil trimesečni pripor v samici brez dokazov protizakonit, toda postojnsko taborišče ima svoje interni pravni sistem, ki se bo z novim zakonom o tujcih le še zaostril.
Včeraj so taboriščniki v Postojni poročali, da je bil eden izmed obtožencev pretepen s strani policije. Ko so slišali zvoke iz stranišč, kjer ni kamer, so poskušali kaj od daleč fotografirati, vendar niso smeli blizu. Kasneje je pretepeni v lastnih besedah zapisal:
“2. januarja 2021 okoli 12h je visoki policaj stopil v mojo samico in mi pokazal, naj grem z njim, zato sem šel. Malo sva hodila, nato me je predla drugemu policistu pred vhodom v straniščne prostore. Ta mi je zvil roko in me potisnil v kopalnico, kjer so me čakali drugi policisti, polovica izmed njih v belih zaščitnih oblekah in maskah. Eden izmed njih me je zagrabil za vrat in potem so me kakih 15 minut tepli. Ko so končali, so mi zvezali noge in roke ter me peljali nazaj. Imel sem udarce po celem telesu, krvavel sem iz ust in komaj videl iz levega očesa. Rekel sem jim, naj me slikajo, a niso hoteli, zahteval sem zdravnika, da mi pregleda oko, a so se izgovorili, da je danes prost dan. Ko sem rekel, naj pokličejo urgenco, so rekli, da ne gre za nujno zadevo. Težko vidim in usta se počutijo zlomljena, a to je zgleda normalno. Policisti so tudi žalili mojo družino. Bilo jih je približno osem, tri izmed njih še nisem videl – imeli so eno zvezdo. Eden je bil manjši starejši moški s štirimi zvezdami, eden je bil moški z eno zvezdo ki ga poznam iz centra. Dva policista srednjih let sem tudi poznal iz centra, imela sta dve zvezdi, ter ena policistka z rumenimi lasmi, ki je imela eno zvezdo. V življenju še nisem doživel takšnega pretepanja in takšnega rasizma, kot od teh policistov.”
Pomembno je, da se zavedamo konteksta, v katerem se vse to dogaja. Tenzije v postojnskem taborišču se stopnjujejo, saj v njem ljudje niso zaprti zaradi kakega zločina in ostajajo dolgo časa zaprti brez razloga. Pripor je zgolj oblika pritiska, s katerim poskušajo prisiliti ljudi v podpis deportacijskih papirjev, v kar jih uradniki vseskozi agresivno silijo. Tako so ponižani, osramočeni, grozi se jim, se jim daje težka pomirjevala in se jih zapira v samice, če se pritožijo. Za razliko od normalnih zaporov, je pripor v postojnskem taborišču popolnoma arbitraren – lahko ostaneš zaprt do enega leta zgolj zato, ker te je inšpektor vzel na piko. Taboriščniki so v zadnjem letu izvedli proteste, gladovne stavke in celo poskuse samomora, da bi opozorili na krivičnost te ureditve, vendar se ni nič spremenilo, policija pa je še stopnjevala represijo nad že tako obupanimi ljudmi. Skrajni čas je, da se postojnsko koncentracijsko taborišče zapre, preden bo še več življenj uničenih!
V besedah prijatelja, ki je v živo spremljal vse dogajanje:
“Rad bi povzel dejstva, kar se je dogajalo v centru za deportacijo migrantov, kjer policisti hitijo uveljaviti svojo moč z uporabo rasizma, psihološkega pritiska in fizične sile proti migrantom. Ta dejstva so nam očitna, vendar ostajajo zakrita javnosti, saj nikoli niso povsem razjasnjena. Zadnjič se je zgodil incident v centru, ko sta bili dve osebi odpeljani v samice brez razloga. Enega so policisti pretepli z uporabo mafijskih tehnik prekrivanja – uporabo rokavic, da ne bi pustili prstnih odtisov in menjavo njegovih stvari, da ne bi bilo sledov krvi… pretepli so ga v kopalnici, ker tam ni kamer, in niso klicali zdravnika, da ne bi bilo še ene priče. Vse to v sodelovanju z odgovornim uradnikom. Slišimo glas, ki nas nagovarja v skupini in nam poskuša vsejati strah v srca. Iz naših držav smo se selili, da bi pobegnili pred takšnim ravnanjem, a zdaj doživljamo hujše ravnanje. Rad bi povedal, da smo vsi ljudje, razlika je le v papirjih.”
After the recent fire in the Foreigner’s detention center in Postojna the police have intensified the system of intimidation. They have singled out two people and accused them of having set the fire. Other people detained in Postojna also claim that they could not have done it. So far the police have not provided any evidence, only video footage of the accused people entering the rooms that day, at separate times. What is more, the police report issued to journalists lists different suspects of setting the fire, so nothing has been explained and no official investigation or criminal charge has been issued. Yet this did not stop the police in the camp from singling out two suspects and locking them up in solitary confinement for three and five months! Both of the accused have suffered from severe mental and physical trauma in their time in Postojna and have attempted suicide and self-harm before, they are on heavy medication and in no state to be locked up like this. Many believe that they have been singled out as examples, as they are often labeled as “troublemakers” by the police. In normal circumstances, it is illegal to arbitrarilly lock up people in solitary for three months with no proof, but Postojna prison has its own internal legal system, which set to become even crazier with the new Foreigner’s Act.
Yesterday Postojna prisoners reported that one of the men has been severely beaten by the police. Hearing the noise coming from the bathrooms (where there are no cameras!) they tried to take some photos. Later the man wrote down his experience of what happened:
“On the day of 2. January 2021 at around 12 o’clock, a tall policeman came to my solitary room, he casually called me to come with him, so I went with him. I walked with him for a while and then he handed me over to another policeman at the bathroom door. He twisted my hand and pushed me into the toilet room and there were policemen waiting for me, half of them wearing white clothes and masks. One of them grabbed me by the neck and then they beat me violently and harshly for about 15 minutes. After they finished, they tied my hands and my legs and they took me out. I felt pain from the beating all over my body and I could not see well with my left eye and my mouth was bleeding, I asked them to take pictures of me, but they did not, then I asked them to call the doctor for me to examine my eyes, they made an excuse that it is a day off. I asked them to call an emergency ambulance, they said it is not an emergency. I can’t see and my mouth feels broken, but this is normal I guess. Then the policeman also insulted and cursed my family. There were around 8 policemen, 3 of them were young men and I have never seen them in this center. They had one star. One of policemen was short and old and had 4 stars, one had one star and I saw him before in the center. Two others were middle aged and had 2 stars, working in the center, and there was also a police woman with yellow hair with 1 star. In my entire life I have never seen such beating and such racism that I was subjected to by this group of policemen.”
It is important to keep in mind the context of these recent events. The tension in Postojna detention center continues, as prisoners are not detained for comitting a crime and are being kept for no reason. The detention only serves to pressure them into signing deportation papers, and they are under constant harassment of officials to do so, being intimidated, humiliated and threatened, given heavy medication and locked in solitude. Unlike in normal prisons, in Postojna the detention is completely arbitrary and you can be locked up for a year simply because the inspector doesn’t like you personally. There have been protests, hunger strikes, and even suicide attempts to warn people of the extreme injustice, but as a result, the police have only stepped up their repression against already desperate people. The Postojna concentration camp must be closed down before more lives are destroyed!
In the words of our friend, who witnessed everything in these last days:
“I would like to recount the facts from the immigration deportation center, where policemen are racing to be the strongest, using all the methods of racism, psychological pressure and physical force against immigrants. These facts are apparent to us, but are never revealed due to their uncertainty. An incident occurred here in the center where two people were taken to single rooms for no reason. The police even beat an immigrant by using the mafia method of covering up – using gloves to not leave fingerprints and changing all the victim’s things to wipe traces of blood, beating him inside the bathroom because there are no cameras, and not calling the doctor so that there is no evidence from him. And all this in alliance with the senior official. The loud voice comes to speak with us in a group in order to instill fear in our hearts. We emigrated to escape this kind of treatment, but now we face worse conditions. I would like to say that we are all human, the only difference lies in the papers and place of birth.”