S pričetkom jeseni ponovno vabimo na Cafe International, kjer se migranti in lokalni prebivalci družimo ob kavi, čaju, piškotih in družabnih igrah. V zadnjih nekaj letih so se na ta način spletla marsikatera poznanstva in vezi, ki tvorijo del širše mreže tovarištva in solidarnosti. Zato vabimo vse prebivalce Ljubljane, da se srečamo v prijetnem ozračju, gradimo mostove in rušimo ograje, ki jih med nami postavljajo oblasti.
Za vse tiste, ki še niste bili pri nas – ko pridete v Miklošičev park (do trafike na vogalu), pokličite na 031857679.
At the beginning of autumn we are inviting you to Cafe International, an event where people from all corners of the world meet up, drink tea and coffee, and play games. It’s a place where many friendships and comradeships were born and they continue to form a broad network of solidarity. That’s why we are inviting all the residents of Ljubljana, migrants and locals, to meet in a friendly environment, build bridges and tear down fences that authorities are trying to put between us.
For all those who still didn’t visit our place, call 031857679 when you arrive at Miklošičev park.
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