Komentar Delavne skupine za Azil Ambasade Rog:
Po včerajšnjem protestu so se policisti znesli nad begunci, danes vsi begunci gladovno stavkajo in kličejo še glasneje na pomoč.
Spodaj je pismo gospoda, ki si je prejšnji teden zaradi obupa poskušal vzeti življenje, tovariši so ga rešili in rotili paznike, naj pokličejo rešilce, a so bili ignorirani. Ta video je tudi zaokrožil po netu. Gospod si želi, da ljudje slišijo njegovo zgodbo, mi pa vas pozivamo, če lahko donirate kak telefon, da bo lahko prišel v stik s svojo družino.

I am the guy in the video who fell to the ground. My mental problems are a result of the way I am treated here. I also have issues with nerve sensitivity and heart problems.

I am in prison in Postojna. I am treated very badly and I am sick. My phone is broken and nobody will fix it, I want to talk to my family. I’m married and have a daughter. Please help me, I do not know how I can communicate with my daughter.

I am tired of this life in prison, and the thing that hurts me is that I am sick. Here I’m sick so much more. We are all on hunger strike.

I am not a criminal, I am only an immigrant.

I would like to express my thanks to all of the people for their solidarity with me and for their Brotherhood.

I was saved from death, God gave me life again, like the friends who pulled me from the rope said.

Despite all this, if I stay here, I would rather die than stay in prison, especially since I did not do any crime to deserve this.