(English below)
Kot je že splošno znano, je bila včeraj izvedena nasilna deložacija uporabnikov in uporabnic Avtonomne tovarne Rog. Župan je v spregi z zasebnimi varnostnimi službami in njihovimi skrajno desnimi nasilneži, s Hojsovo policijo in ljubljansko kulturniško mafijo na najbolj nehuman način izpraznil naše prostore. Ljudem se je vdrlo v sobe in jih odvleklo na mraz, vse stvari so bile zasežene, zunaj pa je policija z nasiljem poslala več oseb na urgenco. Organizirani rop. Vdiralci so nato poskrbeli, da so bili glavni objekti uničeni, še preden bi utegnile priti inšpekcijske službe ali bi bilo lahko zahtevano sodno varstvo.
Skupaj z ostalo tovarno je bila uničena tudi Ambasada Rog. Z njo je bilo izbrisano večletno delo migrantske skupnosti, uničen je bil prostor političnega organiziranja, socialne oskrbe, kulturne izmenjave, skupnega izobraževanja in boja. Stotine dogodkov, tisoče brezplačnih kosil, nešteto spletenih vezi. Težko je opisati, koliko garanja in žrtvovanja je bilo potrebno, da je ta prostor zaživel. Mnogi smo v njem pustili leta naših življenj.
A čeprav nas na ta fizični prostor vežejo številni skupni spomini, Ambasada Rog niso le njen družabni prostor in kuhinja, ampak smo ljudje. Smo prebivalci azilnih domov, Centra za tujce, ljubljanskih najemniških stanovanj in begunskih taborišč po Balkanu – vsi, ki smo se v teh letih tam srečevali v boju proti Trdnjavi Evrope in vsem njenim oblikam izkoriščanja. Rog nas je povezal in nam dal neprecenljiv prostor za organiziranje – to organiziranje bomo nadaljevali tudi naprej.
Medtem ko prebolevamo izgubo, poskušamo priti do naših stvari (v ruševinah je ostala vsa naša oprema, denar, računalniki, dokumenti, umetnine in knjižnica), in iščemo prostor za nadaljevanje našega dela, hkrati pozivamo vse, da nadaljujemo s skupnim bojem. Slovenskim oblastem, policiji, Jankoviću in njegovim nepremičninskim jastrebom pa sporočamo, da se nas še zdaleč niso rešili.
Se vidimo na naslednjem protestu!
As already known, a violent eviction of users of the Autonomous Factory Rog took place yesterday. The mayor, together with the private security services and their far-right thugs, the Hojs police and the Ljubljana cultural mafia, emptied our premises in the most inhumane way. They broke into people’s rooms and dragged them out to the cold, all things were confiscated, and outside, police violently sent several people to the emergency room. The intruders then made sure that the main facilities were destroyed before inspection services could arrive or judicial protection could be required.
Rog Embassy was also destroyed. With it, the long-term work of the migrant community was erased, the space of political organization, social care, cultural exchange, joint education and struggle was destroyed. It is difficult to describe how much effort and sacrifice it took to make this space come to life. Many of us have left years of our lives in it.
But even though we have many common memories of this physical space, the Rog Embassy is not just its social space and kitchen, it is its people. We are residents of asylum homes, the Centre for Foreigners, Ljubljana’s rented apartments and refugee camps in the Balkans – all of whom we have met there over the years in the fight against the Fortress of Europe and all its forms of exploitation. Rog connected us and gave us invaluable space to organize – and with this, we will continue.
While we try to overcome the loss and get our belongings (all our equipment, money, computers, documents, artwork and library are left in the rubble), and we are looking for a place to continue our work, we also urge everyone to continue the common struggle. We are informing the Slovenian authorities, the police, the mayor Janković and his real estate hawks that they are far from getting rid of us.
See you on the next protest!