(English below)
V pravnih bojih za azil se pogosto znajdemo v zapletenem labirintu institucij, dokumentov in procedur, ki jih navaden smrtnik težko razume. Da bi nam pomagal pri orientaciji med vsemi ustanovami povezanimi z azilnim pravom, je naš tovariš Roan de Goede iz Nizozemske začel sestavljati pregled tega kompleksnega sistema. Nastal je izčrpen dokument, ki celovito in nazorno obravnava to temo. Po našem mnenju gre za koristno vodilo tudi drugim aktivistom na tem področju, zato ga želimo javno deliti z vsemi, ki jih tema zanima.
Na tem mestu se ponovno zahvaljujemo avtorju Roanu za njegovo izjemno delo, ter želimo vsem, da bi jim informacije čim bolje služile!
Dokument je dostopen na tej povezavi: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SDeSg7viCykcDqvZSgwbKlBJdpkvvJwz/view?usp=sharing
International protection: an overview of institutions and laws
In legal battles for asylum right we often find ourselves in a complicated labyrinth of institutions, documents and procedures that an ordinary human being can find impossible to understand. To help us navigate through the institutional framework of asylum law, our comrade Roan de Goede from the Netherlands began compiling an overview of this complex system. He put together an exhaustive document which thoroughly and comprehensively examines the topic. We find it a useful tool not only for our work, but believe it can be helpful also to other activists working in this field. This is why we wish to make it public to anybody who is interested.
We wish to thank author Roan again for his immense work and hope that the information will be helpful to as many people as possible!
The document is available on this link:
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