Tukaj Smo

The Other
I am glad to share my experience through a newspaper that builds bridges between different cultures and shares ideas, opinions and experiences of people from warring countries with citizens of Slovenia. I am a young guy from Syria currently living in Ljubljana. I came here to search for […]

Afganistanska zgodba
V Slovenijo sem prišel leta 2015. Z avtobusi so nas pripeljali iz Srbije in ko smo čakali na prehod slovensko-avstrijske meje, so nam razložili, da je tudi Slovenija del Evropske Unije, kjer lahko zaprosimo za azil. Takrat smo trije prijatelji iz Afganistana iztopili iz vrste tisočih ljudi, ki […]

Afghanian story
I came to Slovenia in 2015. We came by buses from Serbia and as we were waiting to cross the Slovenian-Austrian border they explained that Slovenia is also a member of the European Union where we can ask for asylum. We were three friends from Afghanistan who stepped […]

can you live with worst fears? pressure , stress more than everyday common worries ?if you want to know how i feel, i have a question for you can you live with worst fears everyday? i asked myself many times this question in my life. For me , […]

Lahko živiš z najhujšimi strahovi? Pritisk, stres, več kot običajne skrbi? Če želiš vedeti, kako se počutim, imam zate vprašanje. Ali z najhujšimi strahovi lahko živiš vsak dan? To sem se sam v svojem življenju večkrat vprašal. Zame je odgovor preprost. NE, ne morem. Zato je razlog, da […]

How I opened a bike shop…
It just happened I love bikes. Riding bikes,fixing bikes, taking care of the bikes in general . Where I grew up, we had 12 months of good weather per year, so I could ride a bycicle all days and nights. I was going to work with my bike, […]

Kako sem odprl popravljalnico koles…
Kar zgodilo se je Rad imam kolesa. Rad jih vozim, rad jih popravljam in skrbim zanje. Tam kjer sem odraščal, smo imeli dobro vreme 12 mesecev na leto, zato sem se lahko vozil vse dneve in noči. Zjutraj sem se s kolesom odpeljal na delo, po službi pa […]

21 let star begunec iz ene izmed afriških držav. V Slovenijo sem prišel pred enim letom in osmimi meseci in zaprosil za mednarodno zaščito, ker je bilo moje življenje doma ogroženo. Do zdaj še nisem dobil odgovora, če bo prošnja za azil odobrena ali ne. Od doma sem […]

I’m a 21 year old refugee from one of the countries of Africa. I came to Slovenia 1 year and 8 months ago and I asked for international protection, because my life in my own country was in danger. So far I still didn’t get any answer if […]